The Dilution Solutions Etatron eOne Micro-Doser Kit can accurately inject super-concentrated products, and can be integrated into an existing fertigation system. This kit can work in combination with a Dosatron Water-Powered Nutrient Delivery System, or as a stand-alone solution to provide the ultimate in reliability and functionality in one system. The kit comes with water meter and pressure relief valve.
Availability:In stock online - contact us for store pickup
The Etatron eOne Micro-Dosers, combined with the Dosatron Lo- and Hi-Flo Dosers, make the perfect combination to customize a delivery system for your specific applications. The blending of these dosers brings the ultimate in reliability and functionality, in one system — The Nutrient Delivery System!
The Etatron eOne accurately doses super-concentrated products into an existing fertigation system. It hits the targets that many of the high-value products, on the market, demand.
You can adjust the amount dispensed with every stroke
Dial into micro-dose, down to 0.25 mL per gallon depending on flow rate
Allow for the ultimate in reliability and functionality in one system
Designed to be in unison with the Nutrient Delivery System
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